Darien Jackson Offseason Training

Not just for Mr. Jackson, but does nobody use the off hand on the correct side of the basket anymore?

I realize Ginobili made an NBA career of it, but I routinely watch players in the NBA and all levels of college who do not use the off hand. The physics of the situation dictate that the proper spin and angle will come from the off hand. Players regularly blow easy baskets because their on hand is cut off by a defender or the dunk is prevented by defensive positioning. Players unable to complete simple lay ups with their off hand at this level is absurd, the equivalent of not making free throws. Granny if you have to Shaq.
Not just for Mr. Jackson, but does nobody use the off hand on the correct side of the basket anymore?

I realize Ginobili made an NBA career of it, but I routinely watch players in the NBA and all levels of college who do not use the off hand. The physics of the situation dictate that the proper spin and angle will come from the off hand. Players regularly blow easy baskets because their on hand is cut off by a defender or the dunk is prevented by defensive positioning. Players unable to complete simple lay ups with their off hand at this level is absurd, the equivalent of not making free throws. Granny if you have to Shaq.

This irks me too, it was beat into us in MIDDLE SCHOOL the importance of using the off hand on layups. I honestly think we spent about 1/3rd of every single practice working on layups using our less dominant hand until it was built into muscle memory.

I'm not sure if it just isn't practiced at the same rate or what, but really blows me away seeing it. That's not to say all NBA players do it, just significantly more than I'd expect.
This irks me too, it was beat into us in MIDDLE SCHOOL the importance of using the off hand on layups. I honestly think we spent about 1/3rd of every single practice working on layups using our less dominant hand until it was built into muscle memory.

I'm not sure if it just isn't practiced at the same rate or what, but really blows me away seeing it. That's not to say all NBA players do it, just significantly more than I'd expect.
I tried to show my son that and he had trouble holding onto the ball with his off hand. He asked why he shouldn't just shoot it right handed and I showed him why. I think I was making layups with both hands in CYO basketball at age 12...and I wasn't very good at all but we got it beat into us (and you didn't want to do the crazy sprints for shooting with the wrong hand) during practices.

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