COVID-19 vaccines sterilize? Crime of the Millennium?

RIP represalia

I.T.S. Freshman
Silver Member
Jul 1, 2024

Anecdotally, I’ve yet to speak with a mature female (I’ve asked virtually all I know who are vaccinated) who received the vaccine & didn’t have it mess with their cycle. Some went months without a period, one went over a year.

There’s a reason Tinder includes it on their profiles.

If the supporting political ideology & the one generally against it were switched, people would definitely be celebrating the not so natural extinction of conservatives. However, I don’t know any conservatives who celebrate this. Sometimes it’s mentioned a few people might joke about it but it’s never sincere. It’s awful. We wish this on no one. Each misled liberal has the right to change their mind, to join the Great Awakening.

Anecdotally, I’ve yet to speak with a mature female (I’ve asked virtually all I know who are vaccinated) who received the vaccine & didn’t have it mess with their cycle. Some went months without a period, one went over a year.

There’s a reason Tinder includes it on their profiles.

If the supporting political ideology & the one generally against it were switched, people would definitely be celebrating the not so natural extinction of conservatives. However, I don’t know any conservatives who celebrate this. Sometimes it’s mentioned a few people might joke about it but it’s never sincere. It’s awful. We wish this on no one. Each misled liberal has the right to change their mind, to join the Great Awakening.
It has been my experience that people who refer to them as "female" instead of "women" are also usually the exact same set of people that wonder why they have so much trouble maintaining relationships with "females".

Nothing else here warrants a response.
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So, RIP goes around asking "females" about their cycles...

That just sounds creepy to me!
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So, RIP goes around asking "females" about their cycles...

That just sounds creepy to me!
Not creepier than government mandates of an experimental vaccine with VAARS #s so unprecedentedly frightening they must be hidden from public view & conversation.

I feel for yall, I really do. For those of us who didn’t get the Vax it wasn’t some difficult choice that caused us anxiety about whether WE MIGHT GET SICK AHHH no… lol we knew it was all BS the entire time we laughed at the idiots riding around in their cars 1 deep masked up with the terror popping out of their eyeballs so wide open you’d think they found it IT IS RIGHT THERE THE COVID IS RIGHT THERE N THAT MFUCCRS CAR RUN LMAO

What fuccn idiots
So, RIP goes around asking "females" about their cycles...

That just sounds creepy to me!
As long as next time there’s a Chinese virus, if we can trust Chinese masks to save us from it, I think we’ll be in pretty good shape!


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