Constitutional crisis coming

Wow. Sorry to hear about anyone's death. He was a character.

Why would this cause a Constitutional Crisis? Happens with regularity, yes? Although with Cruz et al in the Senate, getting a new court member will likely cause a brouhaha.
I'm sure you're smart enough to know why the death of a justice on a court that has routinely upheld rights on a 5-4 basis would result in nominees getting blocked. It will alter the direction of our country more than anything Obama has done. If Ginsberg dies under a republican president with a democrat congress, the same thing will happen. So there will be a lot of 4-4 decisions on important things this summer that won't matter.

Then from a conservative point of view it would be a crisis for the republic because you'd quickly see restrictions on free speech rights, religious rights, and gun rights and a massive expansion of federal power.
We'll have to get along with 8 SCOTUS's until the next inauguration.

RIP Anthony.
They will appoint someone this summer. There is a term next fall. Justice Scalia was a brilliant man and a hack at the same time. His scholarship was unique. But the Court will go in a better direction.
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Hopefully the emperor will nominate someone of a constructionist bend... Rather than another liberal hack.
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How about lynch, or maybe Bill clinton, or hrc after she loses. The da in Baltimore will soon be out of a job.
They will appoint someone this summer. There is a term next fall. Justice Scalia was a brilliant man and a hack at the same time. His scholarship was unique. But the Court will go in a better direction.

I hope you are right. It will not be hard for the President to pick someone more qualified and centrist that Scalia. Of course there will be the usual fear mongering from the tin hat group. It's both sad and amusing to see all the ridiculous certain disasters that were predicted when President Obama was elected that didn't happen. Guns being taken away; run away inflation, and the most recent version--we are worse off than when George Bush left office.
I hope you are right. It will not be hard for the President to pick someone more qualified and centrist that Scalia. Of course there will be the usual fear mongering from the tin hat group. It's both sad and amusing to see all the ridiculous certain disasters that were predicted when President Obama was elected that didn't happen. Guns being taken away; run away inflation, and the most recent version--we are worse off than when George Bush left office.
What are you rambling about? And I've yet to see anyone claim he was unqualified.
What are you rambling about? And I've yet to see anyone claim he was unqualified.
Perhaps you should reread my post for what it says.

Anyway, I was wrong. Watching the debaters running for a position where they would absolutely insist on appointing and having justice confirmed and at the same time insisting that the current President not do so.

Yep, it is a Constitutional crisis afterall.

Don't bother to bring up Bork. The Republicans presented multiple candidates and at the end of 7 months, a new justice was confirmed. There are now 11 months left before a new president is seated
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I hope you are right. It will not be hard for the President to pick someone more qualified and centrist that Scalia. Of course there will be the usual fear mongering from the tin hat group. It's both sad and amusing to see all the ridiculous certain disasters that were predicted when President Obama was elected that didn't happen. Guns being taken away; run away inflation, and the most recent version--we are worse off than when George Bush left office.

Luckily the emperor had a republican controlled congress for 3/4 of his reign or else we would all be defenseless, starving, comrades.
Except in rare cases, the vote is always 5-4. The/ Democrats assume that the five are all bad and the four are good. Obama will nominate someone who will be eventually confirmed, maybe not the first one but eventually he will nominate one then will be confirmed. Then the reupublicans will assume that there are five bad guys and four good.

If the next president is democrat the things will swing more when the next conservative dies. If the republican is elected then when the next liberal dies it will go 5-4 the next liberal dies. This is a crazy way that both sides use a system that was designed to be the final judge of our laws.

IT REALY GETS WILD IF THERE IS A RECESS APOINTMENT. That appointee can stay in until the next Senate. But is the next Senate in January or two years? There have been 10 recess appointments. 8 have got to stay, but 2 well voted out by the Senate. And does this President do a recess appointment and if he does, does he go very liberal or does he go more moderate in order that he not be temporary should the R's keep control of the Senate? There are a lot of subplots here.
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Oklahoma's best Senator talks about relation between Scotus and Trump:

Who is running the campaign against the SCOTUS appointment?

Interesting that Trump's popularity comes from the rank and file who have been screwed by the deep pockets who are funding ads against the Senate doing its job. No wonder they don't want people to know who is behind it.

The whole "let the people decide" is a perversion. SCOTUS;s credibility would benefit by having a truly centrist judge appointed. Even Chief Justice Roberts, who has the biggest stake in the court's credibility, has told the Senate to get on with it. If the Senate Republicans don't like the candidate, vote him down, although he was confirmed 93-0 last time he was in front of the Senate.
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