CNN so giddy that they call Trump "Mr. President."

There lots of down sides to her. I'm hoping her support of the Green New Deal, was only for her attempt to win the base in the primary, and goes by the wayside.
You gotta remember that she's not there to drive the bus anyway. She's just going to be Biden's attack dog in the senate which is something that she seems suited for. Biden himself was pretty luke warm on the Green New deal though he did do some lip service to it during the primaries.

"Joe Biden Is Campaigning on the Green New Deal, Minus the Crazy"
There lots of down sides to her. I'm hoping her support of the Green New Deal, was only for her attempt to win the base in the primary, and goes by the wayside.
She has always been a hawk on climate change, so it could be genuine. But she didn't have anything to do with writing the Senate version (I think that was Markey?), so she may have just been showing off her environmental bona fides for a bill she knew wouldn't pass. She was running for president, after all.

I thought Biden was going to pick someone else and save her for the AG spot if elected, but he surprised me. I think she's a good choice from a purely political perspective. She's no cookie cutter Democrat, and it will be interesting to see what she does as VP if Biden wins.

Gmoney: I have not read the "Green New Deal" personally, and thus I have very little stake in it. I'm generally supportive of legislation aimed at curbing climate change, but I'm not so naive as to blindly support any old bill that has "environment" stamped all over it. So just out of curiosity, is there something specific in it that you don't like?
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If nothing else she more or less takes away the Trump campaign's ability to attack the D's ticket on supporting criminality (in response to the riots).

How can someone who they're painting as a semi-hardline DA (to supress the African American vote) be anti-law-and-order?
She has always been a hawk on climate change, so it could be genuine. But she didn't have anything to do with writing the Senate version (I think that was Markey?), so she may have just been showing off her environmental bona fides for a bill she knew wouldn't pass. She was running for president, after all.

I thought Biden was going to pick someone else and save her for the AG spot if elected, but he surprised me. I think she's a good choice from a purely political perspective. She's no cookie cutter Democrat, and it will be interesting to see what she does as VP if Biden wins.

Gmoney: I have not read the "Green New Deal" personally, and thus I have very little stake in it. I'm generally supportive of legislation aimed at curbing climate change, but I'm not so naive as to blindly support any old bill that has "environment" stamped all over it. So just out of curiosity, is there something specific in it that you don't like?
IIRC there are all kinds of regulations in it to make new construction(residential & commercial) into a 0 emissions incredibly regimented and cost prohibitive structure, and to re-outfit all older commercial buildings into the same state. There is very little government assistance in doing this, and even if there was, where would the money come from. This would bankrupt the entire population, the costs would be exorbitant.

There is something like a five year period that the auto industry has to eliminate the use of non renewable fuels. The ridiculous costs on this plan, are not thought of, except in ways that would not make it feasible. Their plans to make it feasible are built on rainbows and unicorns. Yes we need to do these things now, but not at the cost of economic failure. Just about everything in the bill follows this untenable position of changes that we don't have the money for. As lawpoke says, we need to plan for ways to deal with the catastrophe, because avoiding it is just not possible now.
what does she add to the ticket? California? Blacks? Lefties? women? age? experience? accomplishments?

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