Beer sales return to Tulsa games!


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Dec 20, 2006
News has just broke that beer sales will begin happening inside the stadium this season!
I actually think no reentry is more related to security (and maybe ticket fraud/reuse in bigger venues?), but I'm not sure exactly how/why the current policy was a problem.
I believe they are just not wanting their beer sales to exit the stadium at halftime. This is for the money, they don't give a crap what the fans want unless it makes them more money.
Then why does just about every other stadium not allow reentry? OSU and OU don't allow it...
Two birds with one stone? The timing tells me something.
We have some very good local craft beers that would be an excellent fit. However, I think AB or LDF will throw some $$$$ around and the stadium beer will be Bud, Coors, or Miller.... If that's the case I just drink water! Not about to waste good money on bad beer.

New beer slogan...

"Come to Chapman Stadium and enjoy Bad Beer Saturday at TU"

Get a 20oz. beer for $8 that cost less than $.70 a draw!
Are you guys ever satisfied? First you complain about no beer and now you complain about the brand of beer.
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Speaking of water, they better not run out of it like last year now that they have something that dehydrates you even more than usual.
Are you guys ever satisfied? First you complain about no beer and now you complain about the brand of beer.

This is what someone who likes Coors Light or just doesn't drink any beer says. ;)

I've not cared either way about beer sales because it wouldn't affect me at all since I don't drink what's coming.

I missed this in the article the first time from Gragg:
“The other piece to it with us now selling beer inside the stadium, a lot of people would exit and go drink beer at halftime out at their cars and come back, so we’re trying to eliminate that, too. We’ll have it available inside the venue and they won’t have to do that.”
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My guess is they'll have some assortment of annheiser busch products. I'm afraid the best you'll probably get (at least initially) is something akin to bluemoon or shocktop.

I think that's fair though. The fans need to show the administration that alcohol won't cause any problems before they'll feel comfortable allowing anything stronger. Could Marshall's make 3.2 versions of many of their products?
I missed this in the article the first time from Gragg:
“The other piece to it with us now selling beer inside the stadium, a lot of people would exit and go drink beer at halftime out at their cars and come back, so we’re trying to eliminate that, too. We’ll have it available inside the venue and they won’t have to do that.”

But see, Mr. Gragg, that's what I enjoy doing. I like to exit the stadium. When I want. And come back in when I want. And nobody goes to their cars. They go to their tailgate spot, Ed's, Mazzio's, or QT.

I'm with junkie, never cared one way or another if they sold beer inside. Hell, with as many TV timeouts as there are, and as long as they are, I never missed more than a few plays when I walk five feet outside the gate, buy a beer, have a smoke, drink the beer, and walk back to my seat.
Agreed, leaving at halftime is just as much about the social environment as refueling.

I'm kind of laughing at this image of people racing to their cars to sit alone and sadly slam beer while the action is on pause. But how could people walk to their cars that quickly anyway? Isn't our parking awful?
I think that's fair though. The fans need to show the administration that alcohol won't cause any problems before they'll feel comfortable allowing anything stronger. Could Marshall's make 3.2 versions of many of their products?

Marshall makes a lot of 3.2 (4)% beers. That's all that they have been allowed to sell on site at their brewery for the past several years.
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It would be better to have Marshall than a piss poor beer by a conglomerate.
Selling Marshall's serves 2 purposes...1st - it supports a local small business and 2nd - it supports an alumnus.

If everyone votes for the beer amendment in November, when the law takes place it will effectively do away with low point beer unless some local craft brewers decide to brew some low point beer.
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If everyone votes for the beer amendment in November, when the law takes place it will effectively do away with low point beer unless some local craft brewers decide to brew some low point beer.
I wish I could thumbs up this 1,000,000 times, especially modernizing the laws on Oklahoma.
I'm sure they'll have marshalls. Don't they already serve it somewhere around the tents?
I'm sure they'll have marshalls. Don't they already serve it somewhere around the tents?
While im sure that financial gain played a significant part in this decision to bring beer back to the stadium, Im still neutral on this issue. I remember my dad would tell me after a game how brutal fans were of the players when they had bad games to include myself. Can you imagine how our former transfer QB from Nebraska's parent would have reacted to some drunk fans excessively jeering his son. It would have gotten ugly! I think the real question is what do we open ourselves up to by this action and what type of culture do we as fans want during the games on campus? Its hard to market a great family atmosphere when you have a larger group of drunk fans yelling obscenities to opponents. Im interested to see which way this goes!
Here's the thing. This isn't going to do much to increase the number of fans at games that have been drinking. Just where they got some of that alcohol. They're already there and chances are actually slammed said drinks pregame since they can't buy inside. Those of us who like alcoholic beverages with our American tackle football have already been consuming them.

The thought that this is going to increase attendance is delusional. Not that many seem to be arguing that here but that's long been listed as a fix for attendance problems. Some average Joe who doesn't care about TU isn't going to show up and buy tickets to get $7 beers to see us play NC A&T in 98 degree misery.

It's a new revenue stream period and a convenience for some current fans.

UH sells hard liquor and I showed up head to toe Tulsa for the AAC title game and had no problems with those hoodlums. Of course, I am a bit of a badass and people don't mess with me, drunk or not. :cool:
Honestly I could actually see beer increasing attendance slightly on fair-weather days. I think the availability of beer at the new Driller's stadium has certainly led to an uptick in attendance, simply for people like me who like to chill and have a beer with my friends. We never went to watch baseball lol.

Additionally, to Shon... Like Junkie said, the amount of super-drunk fans probably won't change too much. The biggest difference is that now I can get the drink that I very much deserve when having to sit through performances like that of Cody Green. Any more showings like that and I'll start lobbying for 100 proof liquor in the stadium.
To add to my above statement... The liquor will be held in a case like a fire extinguisher, and it will say, "Break Glass in Case of Poor Fundamentals"
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UH sells hard liquor and I showed up head to toe Tulsa for the AAC title game and had no problems with those hoodlums. Of course, I am a bit of a badass and people don't mess with me, drunk or not. :cool:

Out of mild curiosity, when you say hard liquor, what kind of hard liquor were they selling?
Just general cocktails and myriad frozen drinks. I didn't get any of those so I'm not sure of the variety. I'll report back in October! :D
Just general cocktails and myriad frozen drinks. I didn't get any of those so I'm not sure of the variety. I'll report back in October! :D

So just a moderately stocked mini bar, kk.

God, my girlfriend might go to a few more games if they had a margarita machine at the game.
So just a moderately stocked mini bar, kk.

God, my girlfriend might go to a few more games if they had a margarita machine at the game.
Good God. Could you imagine some of the sorority girls on Bahama Mama's?

So at Oregon State men have to wear their Lederhosen and women have to wear a Dirndl!!! Wow that's my kind of atmosphere!

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