Ask Pokenmike1 a question, 2015


I.T.S. Sophomore
Oct 19, 2008
Howdy ole comprades. What's shakin?


Anywho, no one on here has asked me a question in soome time. Ask me somethin.

Pistols firing,

No question from me. But your mom wanted me to remind you to pull out of that deer. She doesn't want anymore granddeer.
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i don't think there is much danger of that buck having a fawn....he ain't called pokenmike for nothin.......

nuke the pokers!!!!
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is that really him? I saw that dude during bedlam and was embarrassed for poke fans...again.
Sorry fellas, my cricket internet got cut off. Had to sell some plasma to get it back on. And it's hard to sell plasma when you have lyme disease. I had to go some place that the doods at Tally's told me to go to.

Because, as shown by my uncle brother in the photos above, LYME DISEASE IS THE NUMBER ONE STD IN STILLWATER.

Pistols firing,

No question from me. But your mom wanted me to remind you to pull out of that deer. She doesn't want anymore granddeer.

Seriously, you hit my mom? Lyme disease is bad, but you want cholera? Tell her hi and that she needs to give me my teeth back.


Pistols firing,

is that really him? I saw that dude during bedlam and was embarrassed for poke fans...again.

Is that really who? That's my uncle brother. Though some people think it's OSUJustin. I think it was just Pat Jones' intern on location. And by location, I mean the deer's butt.

Pistols firing,


PS Robert Allen is eating Arby's while reading this. They have the meats. Including deer butt.
Is it true that with Oklahoma A&M beginning their sheep cloning experiments that there will be an abundance of sheep available for freshman students next year?