AOC About To Make It Rain


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
AOCs comments/threats to Trump supporters is the equivalent of hitting the mega jackpot of all jackpots. Her stupidity/genius has now opened the door for anybody in DC who doesn’t get the job of their choice (especially in gov) to sue on grounds of political discrimination and get rich. Make it rain AOC, make it Rain all the way to the bank! It’s only tax payer dollars you are wasting 😂 😂😂😂
The tax cuts can be extended. It may be at a reduced rate to pay back the China Virus relief package but it doesn’t have to go away. Taking our troops out of the Syria and Afghanistan will also save a ton of money but we know Biden won’t allow that to happen.
Get ready for her new green deal. The only thing green about it is the taxpayers $$$$$.
Less than 100 Dem Reps supported it to begin with. It doesn't even have majority support within their own elected members of the party. I wouldn't seriously worry about it.
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Less than 100 Dem Reps supported it to begin with. It doesn't even have majority support within their own elected members of the party. I wouldn't seriously worry about it.
it will gain traction. After all the dems have embraced antifa and blm.
it will gain traction. After all the dems have embraced antifa and blm.
The Dems have embraced Antifa? I could say the same about the GOP and Qanon conspiracy nutters that want to outlaw the Democratic Party as a giant pedophile ring.

Seriously. It's time we stopped believing the worst about each other. Dems are no more your characterization than the GOP is mine. Neither is true. Both are an extreme minority that is rightly sidelined when it comes to serious Congressional debates.

The GND is not even in the same ballpark as Anitfa, anyhow. It's just a well-intentioned but horribly written piece of legislation that needlessly harms many economic sectors. It got internal pushback from virtually every Dem that didn't represent an uber-liberal urban district. It's going nowhere. Mark my words. AOC has just declared war on the establishment wing of the Democratic party because they really don't like her and they often tell her that her ideas are not feasible or well-thought out enough to be popular nation wide.

Kind of like how everyone hates Ted Cruz. That's what she is. She's a more attractive Ted Cruz.
Why is someone everyone hates on the cover of Time, Vanity Fair, New Yorker, etc? She also spoke at the Democratic National Convention this year. Not typically a spot you place someone who is hated by the majority of the party. I think you’re significantly underestimated her popularity among Dems.

Ted Cruz is just a d*ck btw :).

I'd say she and the party leadership have some serious issues to work out. Nobody wants to work with her because she can't be reasoned with or compromised with. Sound familiar?

She might be popular with a certain segment of rank and file democrats, but then, Ted Cruz keeps winning elections too and there is certainly a segment of the population that likes having a jerkish guy represent their views.

She is more personable and media friendly. She can talk a big game and play to the media and has a pretty face. But when it comes to crafting serious legislation? Yeah, nobody takes her seriously or really wants to work with her.
I would agree. She’s more of a media star than a serious voice. Dems use her to fund raise on a national level. I would argue while the rank and file might not take her seriously they are scared of her. They need those people who support her. She is a national figure whether the Dems like it or not.
I even hated cruz. neve heard of qanon or GND.

Blm wants dead cops now.
Antifa is willing to burn down Berkley before affording the first amendment right to conservative speaker on campus.

both have standing in the democrat party.
I even hated cruz. neve heard of qanon or GND.

Blm wants dead cops now.
Antifa is willing to burn down Berkley before affording the first amendment right to conservative speaker on campus.

both have standing in the democrat party.
GND = Green New Deal.

Qanon is a relatively popular conspiracy theory on the far right that believes that the democratic party is just a front for child trafficking for pedophiles. Look at any pictures of protestors from the right wing and you'll see at least one guy waving a flag or wearing a shirt that says "Q" on it. It's probably about as prevalent as any true "Antifa" believers on the left. Which is to say, it's really not mainstream at all and 95%+ of the party members don't subscribe to it or know what the heck you are talking about if you bring it up. The GOP just elected their first actual Qanon believer to Congress this cycle. It will be fun to see how they get treated by their colleagues, both right and left.

If you want to argue about which party has the craziest extremists, I'll just say I think it is a silly argument. Zealots and weirdos come in every persuasion. I'm only trying to tell you that they are most certainly minorities in either party. If you call a random number of someone in this country that is registered as a Democrat, and you call them and talk to them, you likely not hear them bring up anything about Antifa or Berkeley. If you ask them about cops, you certainly won't hear a random rank-and-file democrat say they want "dead cops". Just like if I call a random Trump voter, I probably will get a confused and/or dismissive response (just like yours) if I ask them about Qanon or even the "Proud Boys".

We really do have more in common than it seems. The media gives lots and lots of airtime to the crazies on each side such that it is easy to believe that the GOP is all a bunch of former KKK klansmen that patrol the streets with assault rifles and run over protestors, and the Dems are bunch of anarchists that love to loot things and want to burn it all down. It's not anywhere close to a majority opinion on either side, and it is important we remember that.

Out of all the protests that happened this year on both sides. Mask burning rallies, BLM riots, etc, only a few million people total were involved. It sounds like a huge amount and it is easy to believe that it is representative, but it's not. The vast majority of the US on both sides did not participate in any demonstrations at all, much less violent ones.
Out of all the protests that happened this year on both sides. Mask burning rallies, BLM riots, etc, only a few million people total were involved. It sounds like a huge amount and it is easy to believe that it is representative, but it's not. The vast majority of the US on both sides did not participate in any demonstrations at all, much less violent ones.
only a few million? Considering the damage that was inflicted on our country by less than 20 people on 9/11, I would say a few million people rioting, looting, killing is a much bigger deal.
Its not the number that were involved, its that they blamed dt and then was embraced by the dems and the media.
Its not the number that were involved, its that they blamed dt and then was embraced by the dems and the media.
I'll just say again: The vast majority of Americans, GOP and Democrat alike, did not participate in any demonstrations whatsoever. Much less the violent ones, which were themselves a minority of events.
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I'll just say again: The vast majority of Americans, GOP and Democrat alike, did not participate in any demonstrations whatsoever. Much less the violent ones, which were themselves a minority of events.
How many people does it take to be destructive? Most people are not aggressive and cower in the face of violence. It’s been like that since the beginning of time. Those committing acts of violence were flying the ANTIFA and BLM flags.
How many people does it take to be destructive? Most people are not aggressive and cower in the face of violence. It’s been like that since the beginning of time. Those committing acts of violence were flying the ANTIFA and BLM flags.
Please read my posts.

Repeat after me: Most of the American people, including Democrats and GOPers, harbor no sympathy whatsoever for "Antifa", Qanon, Proud Boys, riots for a cause, etc. Stop letting the worst people define your image of political opposition.

You might disagree with a democrat on how to improve policing efforts, or fight Covid, etc, but we all want those things to get better. No sane person regardless of ideology wants people sick and dying, and nobody wants lockdowns that are economically devastating. Nobody wants police to kill people unnecessarily.

The vast, vast majority of us on both sides are acting in good faith. But it's hard to have conversations and make headway on these issues and find common ground when everyone suspects the folks across the table are actually closet racists and/or anarchic rioters with hidden agendas.
. Zealots and weirdos come in every persuasion. I'm only trying to tell you that they are most certainly minorities in either party.
. @Clong83a I hear and acknowledge your point however when you have only a few dozen main stream members of the media, big tech, along with a few members of Congress (The Squad) making threats to Trump supporters, they can’t do any real damage because they don’t represent the majority of Americans right?
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