Alleged Ashley Biden’s Diary Found, Accuses Joe!


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Ashley Biden allegedly left her diary in her old residence. In it, she reveals that she believes her issues with drugs have come due to suppressed memories of sexual abuse by Joe. She recounts times of inappropriate showers as a teen with him. Sources reached out to her to confirm authenticity of diary and she is recorded admitting it is infact her diary.
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You again fake Never Trump Republican? 😂
Provide a real source and quote it, and people might respect the post.

You have gone to Trump's name calling, real good zinger over and over. Wasn't even funny the first time.
Lol you are such a troll! It’s all good. I love cranking it up on you!
Anytime I post any topic on this board I do extensive research on that topic to be able to have a deep and intellectual conversation concerning that topic. This topic is no different. The whole diary has been uploaded along with the calls to her confirming it is her diary. The only thing lame is your political bias against Trump and laziness or possibly lack of intellectual capacity to research anything these allegations for yourself. You are a sheep who goes wherever mainstream guides you.
Provide a real source and quote it, and people might respect the post.

You have gone to Trump's name calling, real good zinger over and over. Wasn't even funny the first time.
Why. Dem sources are third party, anomomus, or opnion.
I guess that might have been a thing for you but not for me. As a certified investigator, I’m fairly confident in my research skills.
Anytime I post any topic on this board I do extensive research on that topic to be able to have a deep and intellectual conversation concerning that topic. This topic is no different. The whole diary has been uploaded along with the calls to her confirming it is her diary. The only thing lame is your political bias against Trump and laziness or possibly lack of intellectual capacity to research anything these allegations for yourself. You are a sheep who goes wherever mainstream guides you.
I guess that might have been a thing for you but not for me. As a certified investigator, I’m fairly confident in my research skills.
When Fox News doesn't run the story you know you've got nothing/nada/zero. Fake news. Your investigative skills may be ok, but the source selection that you believe is crap. You have yet to have a deep, intellectual conversation on any topic on this board. Fun to get you going/sad for you.
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When Fox News doesn't run the story you know you've got nothing/nada/zero. Fake news. Your investigative skills may be ok, but the source selection that you believe is crap. You have yet to have a deep, intellectual conversation on any topic on this board. Fun to get you going/sad for you.
Lol 😂 says the trolling poster who never creates posts, just trolls. You believe everything you see and read on mainstream. I have told you multiple times that for the most part, mainstream media is pure propaganda. When you know and understand that, you recognize the need to do independent research outside of mainstream media outlets. Your laziness or fear to do that ostracizes you from many conversations
Lol 😂 says the trolling poster who never creates posts, just trolls. You believe everything you see and read on mainstream. I have told you multiple times that for the most part, mainstream media is pure propaganda. When you know and understand that, you recognize the need to do independent research outside of mainstream media outlets. Your laziness or fear to do that ostracizes you from many conversations
You don't do independent research. You read other people's 'independent research' and regurgitate it here. Unless you are the one who 'found' her diary. Did you interview her and get that supposed quote?

Did you even confirm with whomever did write it by talking to them and asking questions with a skeptical eye to see if the story held water?

No? Then whatever you did is not independent research. It's just regurgitation of conspiracy theories that are grounded even less in fact than the mainstream media.

If you fancy yourself an independent researcher, then go out and find and source your own stories. That's called journalism. You aren't doing it.
Here’s the article. Coming from someone that is proud to have written articles for InfoWars, I take it with a complete grain of salt. No credibility. If any national media picks up on it then I’ll consider it being based on reality (I’d even be content of Drudge Report shared it, but he won’t).

I hope Ashley is able to fight and win against her addiction. I have dealt with addiction myself and have close family members that have never been able to overcome it. I have the utmost sympathy for her but even then the diary entries aren’t proof Joe committed any inappropriate acts. The diary entry outright states that maybe it was Joe and only that she knows she suffered some kind of trauma.

You don't do independent research. You read other people's 'independent research' and regurgitate it here. Unless you are the one who 'found' her diary. Did you interview her and get that supposed quote?

Did you even confirm with whomever did write it by talking to them and asking questions with a skeptical eye to see if the story held water?

No? Then whatever you did is not independent research. It's just regurgitation of conspiracy theories that are grounded even less in fact than the mainstream media.

If you fancy yourself an independent researcher, then go out and find and source your own stories. That's called journalism. You aren't doing it.
Certified Investigator by Mad Magazine & Grand Canyon U.

His license is good in Alaska, Idaho, Mississippi, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

I certainly wouldn't want to hire him for anything of any importance, or for anything of any unimportance for that matter.
If you guys think all this info being dug up is being discovered by only one or two people you would be wrong.
These posts are like when the far left cries racism over everything when there was clearly no racism. Just the boy who cried wolf over and over. One day, you will actually have evidence of something nefarious, and no one will care b/c we are desensitized. And I literally just voted for Trump this week, but not b/c of this stupid stuff you far right people dig up.
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I respect your feedback but I disagree. The mainstream pushes everything they possibly can against Trump 24/7 but does it on a grander scale like non stop reports on Russia Gate and impeachment. The min anyone questions the fake narrative (Obamagate, Hunters Laptop), they are deemed far right, racist, or a conspiracy theorist. Then the media censors your voice. When people in power lie, they use everything within their means to cover it up. The problem now is there are so many corrupt leaders and every time you expose them, the normal joe doesn’t know or understand and gets desensitized and thinks it’s just another smear campaign. Whomever controls the narrative controls the hearts and minds and that’s why it’s imperative to continue to expose corruption!

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