Ahmaud Arbery is no saint & was caught in the act of a felony...


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
I reserve the right to change that from felony to misdemeanor as GA has some obscure laws pertinent to this case & I’m still trying to find out what Arbery was actively discarding before running past the right side of the truck (only to then turn around & run toward Travis McMichael, start punching the sh1t out of him while grabbing the end of barrel of the shotgun causing it to go off & injure Arbery’s left hand.)

We don’t even know his juvenile record. We know he took a gun to a basketball game after her graduated high school & Travis McMichael was involved with that investigation. We know just 6 weeks earlier Travis McMichael had a 9mm handgun stolen from his truck. We know Arbery was casing the house under renovation before entering it both the night before and/or another night shortly before Feb 23rd. We know Arbery was on probation FOR BURGLARY!
We know that upon being caught in the act of burglarizing the house under renovation (construction is limited to the inside, outside you can’t tell it’s under construction meaning it looks like a normal residence) HE TOOK OFF RUNNING!

This whole “he was hunted down while jogging” narrative is a LIE! I mean, he got caught both casing the house & burglarizing it WHICH IS WHY HE TOOK OFF RUNNING! Why? Because he was ON PAPER FOR BURGLARY!! That’s why he was discarding items in the street as he was running! He was not out for a jog!

I could go on & on with more facts to destroy this fake narrative being pushed by the media. If anyone wants to challenge me on this & claim it was a “racist lynching” or whatever lie you’ve been fed, I dare you. If the races were reversed I’d still say the shooter shouldn’t be arrested/charged.

However, be my guest to challenge me on the facts. I dare you. I’m looking at you Gold/Gmoney/Uredskin/Aston - let’s hear your libtard crew’s explanation for these lies being told to us about this story. This one is unique, too as even conservatives are calling it murder - it’s not.
And just like that, my prayers were answered. Uncle Devon, violently ill with the Rona, awarded ya FOR FREE with this video. Donate to him if you can.

Another michael brown?
That’s what the video appears to show. Arbery clearly lunges at the mick & starts punching him in the face (up to a dozen times) while fighting for the weapon. What do these bleeding heart liberals think he was trying to do/would’ve done had he got control of the shotgun? Take the gun & go throw it in the woods or turn it into the police as a Good Samaritan? No, he was going to shoot them with it!
That’s what the video appears to show. Arbery clearly lunges at the mick & starts punching him in the face (up to a dozen times) while fighting for the weapon. What do these bleeding heart liberals think he was trying to do/would’ve done had he got control of the shotgun? Take the gun & go throw it in the woods or turn it into the police as a Good Samaritan? No, he was going to shoot them with it!
So you're saying Arbery, because he's black, doesn't have a right to "stand his ground"? You wear your racism and Nazi membershhip bands on your sleeve. WE're done with your hate around here. Going to the moderators until you can find some modicum of truth when you post.
Another michael brown?
What is the felony he was caught in the act of? BTW trespass is a misdemeanor in the state of Georgia and most other states. These people could have called the police. They chose to take the law into their own hands and a person ended up dead.
What is the felony he was caught in the act of? BTW trespass is a misdemeanor in the state of Georgia and most other states. These people could have called the police. They chose to take the law into their own hands and a person ended up dead.
He violently attacked the mick with the shotgun, punching the mick while attempting to take his rifle (shotgun) by force. That’s a felony.
So you're saying Arbery, because he's black, doesn't have a right to "stand his ground"? You wear your racism and Nazi membershhip bands on your sleeve. WE're done with your hate around here. Going to the moderators until you can find some modicum of truth when you post.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with GA law. Even if they had a stand your ground law remotely similar to that of OK, it doesn’t allow for you to launch a surprise attack by lunging at someone & punch them a dozen times in the face while trying to take their rifle before the rifle is even pointed at you.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with GA law. Even if they had a stand your ground law remotely similar to that of OK, it doesn’t allow for you to launch a surprise attack by lunging at someone & punch them a dozen times in the face while trying to take their rifle before the rifle is even pointed at you.
And the Georgia law doesn't allow for armed vigilantism which threatens unarmed civilians.
And the Georgia law doesn't allow for armed vigilantism which threatens unarmed civilians.
GA is also open carry state. As soon as Maud put his hands on the mick son’s shotgun he was no longer “unarmed.” He was also punching mick son in the face. The most threatening person in the entire situation was Arbery as he was the first to become violent with his actions (beyond the threatening lunge thet preceded his violent physical attack.)

This is George Zimmerman all over again except there’s video of Trayvon nonstop punching him. Same verdict. These micks will walk & you’ll look stupid, again.
Due to these crazy GA laws the micks may have screwed themselves by saying “citizens arrest.” I usually defer to Colion Noir, he is a great lawyer. However, in this case I still believe the felony they witnessed was Arbery trying to take the rifle while feloniously assaulting (punching) the mick. Stopping the truck in the middle of the street is a traffic infraction & telling someone to stop without pointing the weapon at them is not inherently felonious, in my opinion. It’s not inherently implied at any moment by the micks that they will shoot & Arbery didn’t have to attack the mick.