A victory for socialism...


I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Jul 4, 2007
Ilhan Omar joins Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib in beating her Democratic opponent, to go on to the general election. They might even have their ranks increased by as many as three new and like minded candidates, who upset incumbent candidates in the primary's.(Bowman, Bush, and Newman) The squad could be as large as seven after the general election. I guess my feeling about Ilhan fading out of power was more than a little premature.
Ilhan Omar’s political views trouble me. Her speech Leads me to believe she hates our great country! I do not sure how her political views help to strengthen our capitalistic country.
I know it is just a technicality but Biden hasn't won yet.
Ilhan Omar’s political views trouble me. Her speech Leads me to believe she hates our great country! I do not sure how her political views help to strengthen our capitalistic country.
Views on what? Please be specific.
Ilhan Omar joins Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib in beating her Democratic opponent, to go on to the general election. They might even have their ranks increased by as many as three new and like minded candidates, who upset incumbent candidates in the primary's.(Bowman, Bush, and Newman) The squad could be as large as seven after the general election. I guess my feeling about Ilhan fading out of power was more than a little premature.

She won a primary against a well-funded opponent, so she is clearly doing what most of the Dems in her district want. There is still the general for the rest of the population to weigh in on her. I have no idea how that will go as I am not particularly in tune with the politics of her district, but I thought it was pretty close two years ago? Which leads me to believe it is not a solid blue district, and that it may be close again and she may yet lose if she's ruffled too many feathers back home.

Anyways, I dislike her and I am glad she is not my congresswoman. But isn't that how it is supposed to work? Different corners of the country being represented by the people they choose, and having some diversity of voices in the House, even if I think some of them are downright kooky or crazy like Ilhan Omar? I also think Louie Gohmert is a moron, but again, his people seem to like him, so... *shrug*. Heck, Tulsa was represented for quite some time by a drunken truck stop sales rep until the local GOP said enough and drove him out via a primary.
Views on what? Please be specific.
Immigration (wanting to disban ICE and open the borders), government benefits (Bernie Sanders esq) defunding police, support of BLM (Marxist movement), anti Israel, then there is the issue of her illegally marrying her brother committing immigration fraud, defrauding her student loans, and the anti fascist law put into place to muzzle her racist mouth! That doesn’t include multiple times she has been chastised by her own party members for her racist and radical comments.
Immigration (wanting to disban ICE and open the borders), government benefits (Bernie Sanders esq) defunding police, support of BLM (Marxist movement), anti Israel, then there is the issue of her illegally marrying her brother committing immigration fraud, defrauding her student loans, and the anti fascist law put into place to muzzle her racist mouth! That doesn’t include multiple times she has been chastised by her own party members for her racist and radical comments.
After seeing how ICE has been used under the Trump administration, as a weapon against people who aren't dangerous criminals, and as a weapon against protesters I would support a reorganization of that agency and a general reorganization of the Department of Homeland Security. Not necessarily getting rid of all the functions some of these agencies perform but restructuring and changing their purpose and their makeup. The ICE agents are much to comfortable leaning on the 'I'm just enforcing the law' argument even when it's clear the laws and policies that they're enforcing are inhumane in many cases. It's clear that some of the policies are being driven by private interests spurred on by a real racist in Stephen Miller.

Defunding police is something that isn't anti-American as much as it is recognizing that current police tactics aren't working in many communities and that something new should be tried. Dedicating more funds to treatment and social services is a novel approach that should be tested.

The Israeli thing is touchy, but Israel has lost a lot of supporters in the past few years with their heavy handed treatment of opponents in the region and their generally aggressive attitude towards non Jews. I think it's possible to support a Jewish state while still being critical of the current government's treatment of Palestinians. Moreover their government is corrupt and criticism of that is legitimate.

The rest of the stuff you're spouting is conspiracy theory and it just illustrates how misguided your news sources are.
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Bueller, you asked for my opinion and I gave it to you. Nobody asked you to comment or provide your thoughts on my thoughts to further spew your thoughts! Stop being lazy Bueller and do some serious research concerning her immigration status and the fines she has paid for her illegal actions.
Bueller, you asked for my opinion and I gave it to you. Nobody asked you to comment or provide your thoughts on my thoughts to further spew your thoughts! Stop being lazy Bueller and do some serious research concerning her immigration status and the fines she has paid for her illegal actions.
Well, when you without proof or rational thought falsely that a US congressman is behaving in a manner that's detrimental to the nation, and you falsely claim that they committed multiple criminal offenses and that they should 'go back to their country' then I reserve the right to tell you you're an idiot.

Kanye.... You're an idiot. In fact, you're the kind of idiot that makes other idiots look good.
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Still wondering what it is specifically looming on the horizon that constitutes this socialist apocalypse. Not sure how Ocasio-Cortez is "socialist", or is "socialism" a bad word that can be applied to anything one doesn't like?
Well, when you without proof or rational thought insinuate that a US congressman is behaving in a manner that's detrimental to the nation and that they should 'go back to their country' then I reserve the right to tell you you're an idiot.

Kanye.... You're an idiot.
Bueller, you sir are a liar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never said she should go back to her country! She is detrimental to our union and she has been chastised by Pelossi and others in the Democratic Party multiple Times for her hate speech. It seems that as we get closer to the election you become more triggered and dumb. Get a grip Bueller!!!!!!!!!! It’s not too late!
Still wondering what it is specifically looming on the horizon that constitutes this socialist apocalypse. Not sure how Ocasio-Cortez is "socialist", or is "socialism" a bad word that can be applied to anything one doesn't like?
Have you analyzed the Green Plan she supported and presented. How is that not socialistic?
Well, when you without proof or rational thought falsely that a US congressman is behaving in a manner that's detrimental to the nation, and you falsely claim that they committed multiple criminal offenses and that they should 'go back to their country' then I reserve the right to tell you you're an idiot.

Kanye.... You're an idiot. In fact, you're the kind of idiot that makes other idiots look good.

Bueller, you sir are a liar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never said she should go back to her country! She is detrimental to our union and she has been chastised by Pelossi and others in the Democratic Party multiple Times for her hate speech. It seems that as we get closer to the election you become more triggered and dumb. Get a grip Bueller!!!!!!!!!! It’s not too late!
I think he is remembering something Rippen said, on the go back to her country.

I told you others had a similar impression on the Rippen and the lot thing, Shon.
Have you analyzed the Green Plan she put out. How is that not socialistic?
Thanks. I haven't seen it but will look.

Although it does occur to me that any plan to address climate change will be labeled 'socialistic' by opponents because it will affect the entire economy. Is socialism now the code word for opposing addressing climate change?

But I'll take a look.
Thanks. I haven't seen it but will look.

Although it does occur to me that any plan to address climate change will be labeled 'socialistic' by opponents because it will affect the entire economy. Is socialism now the code word for opposing addressing climate change?

But I'll take a look.

Socialism is now the code word for any idea that's not republican generated.
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Thanks. I haven't seen it but will look.

Although it does occur to me that any plan to address climate change will be labeled 'socialistic' by opponents because it will affect the entire economy. Is socialism now the code word for opposing addressing climate change?

But I'll take a look.
I am a Republican who supports plans to address climate change. But the green plan is socialism at it's finest, and goes way further than anybody but the far left progressives will support, and costs out the anus. It would break our economy.
Socialism is now the code word for any idea that's not republican generated.
I hope not! Issues like free speech and universal healthcare are things that matter to us all. The divide comes on how the plan executed and how much people will have to Payton make it fair
I think he is remembering something Rippen said, on the go back to her country.

I told you others had a similar impression on the Rippen and the lot thing, Shon.
He knows exactly what he is doing and I refuse to accept the fact that a high IQ guy can’t keep his thoughts straight!
I am a Republican who supports plans to address climate change. But the green plan is socialism at it's finest, and goes way further than anybody but the far left progressives will support, and costs out the anus. It would break our economy.
The problem is, the alternative isn't any better. Putting someone in office like Trump who was incompetent has also broken our economy, we just haven't felt the full effects of it yet.

Also, if anything is evident from the Biden Harris ticket and the Democratic platform, it's that their is a large silent (or a small monetarily influential) contingent of moderate Democrats that aren't likely to fully implement some of the more outlandish things the Sanders / Cortez / Warren tribe are selling. I equate Cortez and Omar to the left's version of Steve King or Matt Gaetz. They don't really speak for the whole party and they can be bad influences at times.
He knows exactly what he is doing and I refuse to accept the fact that a high IQ guy can’t keep his thoughts straight!
I think you are glossing over a legit mistake, and placing blame where it shouldn't be. You are demonizing Aston.
The problem is, the alternative isn't any better. Putting someone in office like Trump who was incompetent has also broken our economy, we just haven't felt the full effects of it yet.

Also, if anything is evident from the Biden Harris ticket and the Democratic platform, it's that their is a large silent (or a small monetarily influential) contingent of moderate Democrats that aren't likely to fully implement some of the more outlandish things the Sanders / Cortez / Warren tribe are selling.
Just cuz one isn't any better doesn't say you should or shouldn't support it. Trump and Cortez both need to be gone.
She won a primary against a well-funded opponent, so she is clearly doing what most of the Dems in her district want. There is still the general for the rest of the population to weigh in on her. I have no idea how that will go as I am not particularly in tune with the politics of her district, but I thought it was pretty close two years ago? Which leads me to believe it is not a solid blue district, and that it may be close again and she may yet lose if she's ruffled too many feathers back home.

Anyways, I dislike her and I am glad she is not my congresswoman. But isn't that how it is supposed to work? Different corners of the country being represented by the people they choose, and having some diversity of voices in the House, even if I think some of them are downright kooky or crazy like Ilhan Omar? I also think Louie Gohmert is a moron, but again, his people seem to like him, so... *shrug*. Heck, Tulsa was represented for quite some time by a drunken truck stop sales rep until the local GOP said enough and drove him out via a primary.
Nope, you're remembering the opposite of reality on the general election. Her District is very Democratic.

She trounced Zielenski 78% to 21%.

When and if she is ousted from office, it will have to be in the general election, by another Democrat..
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Immigration (wanting to disban ICE and open the borders), government benefits (Bernie Sanders esq) defunding police, support of BLM (Marxist movement), anti Israel, then there is the issue of her illegally marrying her brother committing immigration fraud, defrauding her student loans, and the anti fascist law put into place to muzzle her racist mouth! That doesn’t include multiple times she has been chastised by her own party members for her racist and radical comments.

I agree with you a lot on this, but I think this one is pretty speculative. It's one of those "There might be something shady here and further explanation of her tax returns are probably warranted." But it's absolutely unproven at the same time and salacious enough that I think it shouldn't get any mainstream credence until further evidence is available. No reason to attack her for things like that, she is wacky enough without it. If it ever proves true, then yeah, go ahead and crucify her for it.
Nope, you're remembering the opposite of reality on the general election. Her District is very Democratic.

She trounced Zielenski 78% to 21%.

When and if she is ousted from office, it will have to be in the general election, by another Democrat..
Thanks for pointing that out, I don't know why I thought her race was close, because that is a major blowout.
I agree with you a lot on this, but I think this one is pretty speculative. It's one of those "There might be something shady here and further explanation of her tax returns are probably warranted." But it's absolutely unproven at the same time and salacious enough that I think it shouldn't get any mainstream credence until further evidence is available. No reason to attack her for things like that, she is wacky enough without it. If it ever proves true, then yeah, go ahead and crucify her for it.

Thanks for pointing that out, I don't know why I thought her race was close, because that is a major blowout.
Oops, I edited the wrong place. The final sentence should have said:

When and if she is ousted from office, it will have to be in the primary general election, by another Democrat..