• Chris Harmon
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    I.I. replied to the thread Summer Basketball Practice Summary.
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  • loca2874
    loca2874 replied to the thread Let’s get it started !.
    From northern Virginia GOLDEN!!!!!!!
  • loca2874
    loca2874 replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Keep this stuff for your penthouse letters account man
  • D
    dlsnid replied to the thread Let’s get it started !.
    In my living room Hurricane
    From Ruston Lousianna, where it is much easier to understand these folks than southern Lousianna… Golden !!!
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  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Jumping the shark assistance note: I don't care for her, but she's hardly a no talent ass clown. She's a medium talented milk toast...
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  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread TU Men's Soccer Fall 2024.
    Wrong irish name. McIntosh.
  • Babe the Blue Ox
    Babe the Blue Ox replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Can anyone here photoshop that quote over Doug Heffernan wearing his UPS uniform. That could be Heff’s new avatar.
  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    I get a really nasty image in my head when I think about her taking her spanx panty hose off. And it's not the image that Barrister...
  • TUcandoit
    TUcandoit replied to the thread TU Men's Soccer Fall 2024.
    What is going on with men's soccer. We have consistently been a national power house. We are now 1-5-1 with a loss to a horrible Memphis...
  • TulsaGrad07
    TulsaGrad07 replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Best line from Office Space "You like Michael Bolton?? I celebrate his entire catalogue"
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  • noble cane
    noble cane replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    I saw her Def Leppard crossover show.... my first thought was "how many ones do I have in my pocket?"
  • Babe the Blue Ox
    Babe the Blue Ox replied to the thread ESPN POLL Week 4.....
    Based on the origin of the quote, I figure that Heff is a hardcore Michael Bolton fan. I’m surprised.
  • Larry Lewis
    It's hard for me to believe that Tulsa is 3-7 against La. Tech, all since 1986. No excuses. If TU plays decently, it wins.
  • C
    A preview of TU FB's matchup at Louisiana Tech Saturday by the radio crew on Eye of the Hurricane Podcast...
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    I.I. replied to the thread Practice.
    Carrington is injured a lot……….
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    On Eye of the Hurricane Podcast, radio crew breaks down TU FB's matchup at Louisiana Tech Saturday...
