duck dynnasty


I.T.S. Athletic Director
Apr 18, 2011
la la land
I really don't care what the duck guy said.
I donn't agree with him, but he entitled to his opinion; right or wrong.

I just wish the "news media" was as outraged when a non-conservative
Person like bill mhar or david leyterman and others said just as distusting thingse
He sounded like a typical southern baptist preacher IMO. I have many gay friends and support gay marriage but I also recognize his right to voice his opinions. A&E has the right to suspend him. Ironic that A&E is outraged and suspends the guy but will feature him and his family 24-7 next week....some statement.
Hi, Bonney Fwank hewe. I'm vewy woweed about dis duck cawa and his entire famawee. He is obviuswy a countwy hick who wants to anihiwate the duck popuwation compweetwee. These countwy bumkins are enaboowers in kiwing dees unfortunate buds.

The head duck needs to conform to cowect speech or weave da netwurk immediatwee. Dat kind of behaveeya is appauwing. Get dem off da tube.

Actually who cares what a duck caller thinks about all this - other than some overpaid politically correct TV executive in New York. This is the way he teaches his family about biblical verse and it should be taken that way. Why would anyone in Hollywood, Boston, San Francisco give a hoot about the opinion of some Louisiana duck call maker unless they fear that their own views are under attack - in the same way he perceives his views are.

The protection for our constitutional right of free speech (even unpopular speech) is more of it, not less of it!

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